Have you ordered AirTags yet?
It’s Christmas Day, and I don’t usually do much. We watched the kiddo open presents – went to the In-laws for a few hours, and ended the day with Football and our traditional Chinese Food.
One thing the kiddo wanted was a new water bottle. I guess all his friends have these fancy Hydro Flask water bottles.
What 4th grader needs a $50 water bottle?
Worse yet is that he has lost more water bottles than I can remember. I’ve been to the playground at school. I’d expect there to be lost water bottles everywhere – ankle deep in some places, if every kid lost as many as mine.
But not this one. I have vowed that this will not be lost like the others.

To prevent it from joining the water bottle graveyard (wherever it might be) I have just ordered my first 4 pack of Apple AirTags, so that I can connect one to the bottle, and hopefully prevent it from every walking away.
My plan is simple – the sport top of the Hydro has a built in ring, and if I use the Belkin AirTag Keychain connectors to attach the AirTag to it, we should be good. It uses a keychain style connector so that it will be difficult to remove.
I wanted to make sure the connection was secure. If you’ve ever seen a 9 year old boy play, drink and fidget at the same time, you know that if it can be removed or broken – it will. I’m putting a lot of trust into this hydration system.

Because when you add it all up – it’s close to a semester of college tuition at an ivy league school – well maybe not exactly, but it is a lot.
At least I’m not contributing to the excessive waste of single use plastic water bottles